Future Works

Pioneer Alpha v1 is to implement the full functionalities of RIP-7560, RIP-7711, and RIP-7712. We have a few plans to further develop this, and ship it to a production level.

Pioneer Alpha v2

We plan to launch another devnet including more updates. This may include:

  • Handling of builderFee. Current network does not handle builderFee, and we are now discussing how this should be treated and possible ways to return a portion of builderFee to bundlers.

  • Preventing malicious bundlers. To protect the sequencer from DoS attacks, we may need some extra security measures like stake/reputation mechanism, which requires more explorations.

  • Adding StakeManager predeployed contract. Rules mentioned in ERC-7562 include stake rules (SREP), but Pioneer Devnet Alpha does not support them. For backward compatibility, we have plans to implement a separate StakeManager predeployed contract.

Please note that the above is not determined yet and subject to change.

Last updated